
Resilience System

Drug Pitched to Trump for Covid-19 Comes From a Deadly Plant

A plant extract trumpeted this week as a “cure” for Covid-19 by the leader of a pillow company is untested and potentially dangerous, scientists say.

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How does coronavirus spread at a concert? Germans do a test

BERLIN (AP) — Germany held a pop concert Saturday to see how those attending could spread coronavirus if they had it.

German researchers studying COVID-19 packed part of a Leipzig arena with volunteers, collecting data in a “real life” simulation of a pop concert but one with strict health and safety controls.

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Global coronavirus deaths exceed 800,000

Why Antibody Tests Won’t Help You Much

Getting an antibody test to see if you had Covid-19 months ago is pointless, according to guidelines issued this week by a major medical society.

Many tests are inaccurate, some look for the wrong antibodies and even the right antibodies fade away, said experts at the Infectious Diseases Society of America, which issued the new guidelines.

Because current tests cannot determine if someone is immune, the society said, they “cannot inform decisions to discontinue physical distancing or lessen the use of personal protective equipment.”

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WHO says children aged 12 and over should wear masks like adults

Coronavirus: Humidity key to minimize virus transmission — new study

Dry rooms and air-conditioned indoor spaces hike Covid-viral infection, conclude Indian and German researchers in their meta-study. They're urging optimum humidity standards for building interiors and public transport.

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Difficulties with clinical trials.

Eight months into the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S., it remains unclear whether two of the most promising treatments actually work.

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World hits 800,000 confirmed coronavirus deaths

NEW YORK — The world hit a grim coronavirus milestone Saturday with 800,000 confirmed deaths and close to 23 million confirmed cases.

That’s according to a tally kept by Johns Hopkins University. Governments have been attempting to balance public health with economic health.

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New Ebola outbreak in Congo raises alarm

A new outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus has infected 100 people in a western province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a rapid spread that has health officials concerned about the chances of an uncontrolled epidemic.

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For Quick Coronavirus Testing, Israel Turns to a Clever Algorithm

BEERSHEBA, Israel — A team of three Israeli scientists has pioneered a coronavirus testing procedure that they say is faster and more efficient than any now in use, testing samples in pools of as many as 48 people at once.

The Israeli government plans to roll out the new method in 12 labs across the country by October, anticipating that another wave of coronavirus infections could coincide with influenza season with potentially calamitous results. ...

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WHO chief hopes coronavirus pandemic will last less than two years

Top FDA official says would resign if agency rubber-stamps an unproven COVID-19 vaccine--Reuters

Silent spreaders' of COVID-19: Kids who seem healthy may be more contagious than sick adults, study says

Pandemic pushes expansion of ‘hospital-at-home’ treatment

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Mutated form of coronavirus may be more contagious, but less deadly, experts say


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